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IDEA project presented to universities and business community in Lebanon

Within the framework of Erasmus+ CBHE project ELEGANT, Modern University for Business and Science from Beirut, Lebanon hosted a webinar on September 23, 2020 exploring how to enhance IT graduates employability through Skills development & curricular Innovation. As part of European experiences session, dr. Nebojsa Stojcic from University of Dubrovnik, coordinator of projects IDEA and ELEGANT presented objectives and activities of IDEA project. The event gathered around 85 participants representing major universities in Lebanon including the American University of Beirut, Lebanese American University, Lebanese University, Beirut Arab University, University of Balaman and major IT companies in Lebanon including CISCO, Microsoft, Saugo 360, Torch Academy, Potech.

Sveuciliste u dubrovniku             IDP             IHF             Universitas comeniana bratislavensis Malgrande Solutions

IWS             EIZ             Hrvatski Telekom                Wyzsza szkolaa informatykiWyzsza szkolaa informatyki

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site and its contents reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.